On Dec 30, 2006, at 6:22 PM, Matthew Hindson fastmail acct wrote:

This item is listed at the Finalemusic website for sale, but I've not heard anything about it.

Has anyone used it?  Opinions?

<http://www.finalemusic.com/finale/features/hearyourmusic/ additionalsounds.aspx?pg=SCOREGROOVE>

I haven't used it at all, but it appears to be some pre-filled out grooves. They are probably fine for what they need to be, but like all prefabricated grooves, once you know what you are doing you could probably make better ones yourself for the purposes of your arrangement.

If you think you would get value out of them, go ahead and order them. Notice that they work with the 2007 sound font, which would seem to indicate that if you used any of the Garritan sounds you would have some remapping to do.


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