Do you know Ira Liss? It was with his band. Charlie McGhee is the drummer in question, and having played with a good many good drummers (including Louie Bellson, Nick Ceroli and Jim Plank among them), I'd put him in that league.

Not being a regular in Ira's band, I mostly only know the others in the brass section by name - Tim Hall, Paul Kurokawa, Gary Bucher ... those guys. Not generally as good as your band, but a pretty decent ensemble.

Hi Carl:

The name Ira Liss is quasi familiar. However, I don't know any of the other names. I was born in LA, grew up here and yet I still meet people who have been here as long as I. You mentioned the rehearsal being in Southern California. That's a big area. What part of So. Cal.? There are so many great musicians in LA county and Orange County. I know many of them. However, I live in Ventura County which is 40 miles northwest of downtown LA.

Thanks to all of the rest of you for putting up with this diversion.

Bob Florence: and now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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