On 18.01.2007 John Howell wrote:
> First: No, those parts which are there could not have been used by two
 singers, unless they would have sung everything, including arias.

What is the term?  Reduction ad absurdam?  Where is it written in scripture 
that any given part has to include meticulous instructions about everything, 
when they were performing their music in their style and doing it every week 
under the supervision of the composer!

No John, they could not. Look at the parts for the B minor mass. Even today performances differ on what is sung by the choir and what is sung by the soloists. There is no indication. The style doesn't tell anything. One piece which we hear today as solo will follow the previous choir piece only devided by a double bar on the same line. Nothing, repeat nothing would prevent the whole choir from coming in in the Benedictus, or you name it.

Imagine 3 Altos coming in in the Agnus Dei. Remember, hardly any rehearsals.

It is simply unimaginable. Again, I recomment you read the book by Andrew Parrot.


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