On 18.01.2007 dc wrote:
Johannes Gebauer écrit:
For early 17th century music they may work very well, though it will require a 
mean tone tuning for keyboard instruments, and that requires the tuning of 
extremely narrow fifth.

This "extremely narrow fifth" of meantone is still only about HALF as bad as an 
ET third. Speaking of lesser evils...

Yes, but tuning such narrow fifth on the violin creates a lot of other problems, making playing harder. One has to adjust. That's why a modern violinist who is asked to tune mean tone fifth will be completely unable to play in any tuning afterwards.

Remember, we don't have frets. The tuning depends on the 100th of a milimeter of out finger position.

With gut strings the problems get worse, as they change when they get older.

Complex problems....


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