Hey Vern,

If you have any suggestions as to how better EQ could improve the out- of-the box sound of the electric bass (or any instrument) in JABB, perhaps you wouldn't mind corresponding directly with GPO programmer Tom Hopkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. The JABB sounds were designed to be EQ-able, but -- as I've tried to impress upon Tom many times -- most Finale users aren't going to be exporting these tracks into a separate app. (You are the exception, not the rule.) It's good that the JABB sounds are so flexible and customizable, but the Notation instruments, at least, need to sound good "out of the box."

Originally, there wasn't going to be any EQ on the electric guitar at all, on the thinking that users would just apply their own EQ/ effects. I managed to persuade Tom that this would not be acceptable to Finale users, and thankfully he agreed to include the "Electric Guitar Mellow" instrument (based roughly on Jim Hall's sound). Unfortunately, this was not done for the electric basses and they suffer for it, IMO. If there was some way to get the JABB electric bass samples to sound more like, say, Kermit Driscoll (from within Finale), that would make me extremely happy.

Red Mitchell talks extensively about making the switch to a bass tuned in fifths in an interview in Art Taylor's _Notes and Tones_. I love Red's playing -- he is very underrated, IMO.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 16 Feb 2007, at 3:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks, again. I used Kontakt Player 1.x in 2K7 in lieu of Kntk2. I
already knew out of the box it wouldn't work, so I never tried. The
documentation that ships with 2K7 states it will only load GPO/Finale
Bundled instruments set. KntkPyr1.x is the one that crashed on loading in

Thanks for the tip about your tutorial-I will grab it pronto. I'm one user who is not averse to a healthy read of documentation before installing or
using new versions, even thought I somewhat rushed into 2K7 without
checking out ALL the feature changes first.

As far as the Fender Jazz samples, if you export the tracks/staves from Finale (Save Special as sound files (wav)) into an audio application (like
Apple Soundtrack, which I use for mixing) you'll be amazed to discover
when you load a 10 or 31 band EQ to modify the track you just imported, ALL the frequency ranges are present in the sampled tracks, and you can get some phenominally varied sounds using the EQ (listen to the Rhodes on my tune Bossa Menna, and the Jaco bass on Pastoriale), and then do a final mix of everything a la 64 track digital studio. (Go listen to some of my Garritan mp3 creations at www.VernGraham.com, select the RADIO tab). That reminds me I've got to visit your site and see what there is to se & hear.

As far as your knowledge of bass players, how do you come by these
details? Fantastic info! I saw Ron in a small NYC piano bar (I think it was Bradley's) about 15 or so years ago when I was living there. He was playing a duo with a guitarist (who I didn't recognize; older fellow with
a schock of white hair on an F-hole electric). They were standing
(Ron)/sitting (guitarist) on the floor (no stage) not 2 feet in front of my tiny table for one. I was so busy watching Ron's facial expressions and his fingers, I didn't even notice the headstock on the instrument. He was dressed immaculately in a three piece suit (I've been told he is a clothes hound), and was very gracious and polite and I even got a smile out of him
when I asked him if he still played cello.

I had no idea about Red Mitchell. WOW, Now that's unique.

As far as the current upright sounds in JABB, I use Chuck's samples since they have such a full, balanced, clean singing sound (the high end speaks nicely too when you tweak the EQ) versus the other instrument, which has
more of the traditional THUMP sound. (I've played with the various
adjustable parameters in the player to spec them both out.)
Now I'm off to visit northern sounds forum.
Thanks again Darcy.


Finale 2007 still supports the Kontakt Player 1.x as well as Kontakt
Player 2.x. Since you have a non-Intel Mac, Full GPO and JABB should
work exactly the same as they do in Finale 2006.

You may be interested in consulting my Finale 2007 Garritan
Instruments tutorial, which you can find in your User Manual folder
-- the file is called "GPOHP Tutorial Supplement.pdf".

As far as JABB electric basses go, I definitely agree that the
library ought to include a 5- or 6-string electric going down to the
low B. I would also like to hear a deeper, more consistent sound,
with more sustain. You should go to the Garritan Northern Sounds
forum and suggest it:


For acoustic basses, Ron Carter uses the C extension on most (if not
all) of his post 1960's recordings, and Red Mitchell played a bass
tuned in fifths, starting on low C -- like a cello, but an octave
lower. But since Chuck doesn't play an instrument with the extension,
those low notes would have to be recorded on a different bass, and
wouldn't match the original samples.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 16 Feb 2007, at 2:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Chuck, but MM tech support confirmed that the initial
release of
2K7 Kontakt2 wouldn't load the Garritan FULL GPO library. I have
downloaded 2K7b, but have not installed yet, so I will probably try
now that Kontakt2 is updated.
By the way, I have been hearing and seeing comments about the Bill
font. Can you direct me to where I could see it? Does it work well
on the
Mac & with Finale?
aaaaand....do you think that we can convince Gary Garritan to
include 6
string bass samples (not just Fender Jazz bass samples) in the next
set of
sounds so I can mimic Anthony Jackson for my fusion/jazz writing? I
Gary has the C extension for the Contrabass samples in GPO cause I
for it and it works!, but not in the JABB library. Only down to the
E. (I can't think of any jazz upright players that used a C
extension, do
you know of any? Aside from Ron Carter in the symphonic idiom)


I have a similar set up (pre-Intel Mac G5), and I have no trouble
the Garritan libraries. I am not an expert on this (though there are
some on the list), so I have no advice short of contacting Garritan
support.  I am just responding to let you know that I don't think
it is
a shortcoming of your hardware, OS version or RAM.


On Feb 16, 2007, at 7:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SO what DOES it do if you're on a MAC? (I am and I'm afraid!!!) I've
been waiting for the Kontakt2 Player fix so I can load the complete
Garritan libararies, not just the Finale bundled set. The last
time I
tried to use 2007 with Garritan it crashed 20 times in a row while
the instruments, right at the last instant, where it said 99%
complete!!!!!! And this happened with a 2K6 doc that worked fine
the day
before I installed 2K7. Running on a Mac pre Intel G5 2.0 Ghz
Dual Core,
5.5 GB ram, OS 10.4.6
shirling & neueweise wrote:
Finale 2007c is available
Hyphens are fixed apparently.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, that's all.
Not if you're on a Mac -- it also adds the Kontakt2 player, if I
understand the info on the site.
But if you're on Windows, that really does seem to be all, and
for only
a 63MB download!  (I know, it also includes the updates from
2007a and
2007b, so that people only have to download one single file to
get the
most recent version.)
David H. Bailey
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