At 05:39 PM 3/11/2007 +0100, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
>On 11.03.2007 Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
>> You can do that, then use the extend secondary beam tool, choose the left
>> handle, double click for the dialog box, check only the secondary beams
>> (not the primary beam), and drag it to the right.
>> If you dislike the tiny gap it leaves on the left side, grab the right
>> handle and drag it to the left.
>You mean, I should do that for like 12 measures? Isn't there a better 
>way to do this?

I don't know. It's just a few clicks & drags from my p.o.v., and you can
drag-copy the measure first and change pitches later if that helps.

Robert's tuplet suggestions always work very well in these kinds of
situations, but since I compose into Finale, it's too easy for me to forget
where these were done when I go back to change something.


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