I wrote several years ago that Finale had become subscriptionware...I was 
pooh-pooed at the time but stand by my statement.
We SHOULD expect another updater given all the documented and yet-unresolved 
issues with 2007, but perhaps experience tells us otherwise.

The answer to this question would perhaps be revealing: Given that a "new" version 
appears some time between July and September, what was the LATEST date anyone can remember at which 
an updater for an "old" (then-current) version appeared? I honestly don't know.

From: Randolph Peters
Sent: Wed 25-Apr-07 21:36
To: finale@shsu.edu
Subject: [Finale] should we expect another upgrade?

Since this seems to be a slow day on the Finale list, I thought I'd throw out a question to the group.

Should we expect another upgrade to Finale 2007 before Finale 2008 comes at us?

I know most of us want one that fixes some long term bugs, but can we reasonably expect one to be offered?

I feel that I've paid for too many new versions hoping that old bugs would finally be resolved. With 2007, there are also a lot of new bugs and the three upgrades haven't done anything to fix them.

I'm worried that Finale 2008 will repeat this sorry cycle.

Would a letter-writing campaign help? One where we emphatically ask that bug fixes be the top priority?

-Randolph Peters
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