On Apr 28, 2007, at 11:05 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 28.04.2007 Aaron Sherber wrote:
I haven't dealt with the latter two, but for movement titles I use measure expressions, and in this case measure offset coordinates work better than page coordinates.

I think you are still talking about different things. As far as tempo indications like "Allegro" or similar go, you are correct, measure expressions work well, as such an indication needs to be alligned with the start of the time sig. However, quite often one wants titles which are centered above the first staff. The only way to do this properly is with a page attached text block, which will get pretty messy once you change your layout or use linked parts.

Actually, I understand what Aaron is saying for movement titles.

A measure expression can be set to align with the left barline of bar 1, handle centre aligned, but with an additional horizontal offset of exactly half the printed page width (3.5 inches for an 8X11 sheet with .75 inch margins). This would exactly centre it on the page above the first system of that movement for all parts, no matter what the layout, and it would move with the first system, whatever you did with it. If you indent your first system, just deduct that amount from the additional offset.

Very cool, Aaron!


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