On 14-May-07, at 12:00 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

Aaron Sherber / 2007/05/14 / 11:29 AM wrote:

Is it possible that you had the vibe part selected when you did 'Add
to Part' with the guitar?

It is hard to believe such could had happened. Last night, when I found
out Stuff Style in the parts are all screwed up, I went back to the
known good backup file, which was before I reworked with the Manage
Parts dialog.

I think this file is somewhat corrupted.  During the rehearsal, I
realized I mistakenly gave 2 bar repeat sigh on vibe where it is
supposed to be rests.  Right after the rehearsal, I cleared the Stuff
Style on that spot right away.

Remember that 2-measure repeats are staff styles, so they would be screwed up unless you specifically went and re-linked the staff styles to score.


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