Andrew Stiller wrote:

On May 14, 2007, at 1:12 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:

Yeah, and it's TWENTY OUNCE pints over your way, not our measly little 16 oz. pints that we have here in Canada and the US.

How did that happen? There's a proverb, which I have always assumed was very old, that says "A pint's a pound the world round." For this to be true, a pint must be 16 oz. everywhere. So what's the deal here?

--Or is  the  20-oz. pt. like a baker's dozen?

I learned the "pint's a pound the world round" also, but when I asked the person who told it to me if a pint of gasoline would weigh the same as a pint of mercury, he thought for a moment, said "Bah!" and walked away.

David H. Bailey
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