You are, of course, perfectly entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine, but I do believe that through most of the 20th century that has been the attitude in university composition departments--some, of course, probably not all, but according to the stories told by folks on Orchestralist some of the most prestigious.

you believe, or it is fact?

if you are going to speak only from the perspective of specific academic environments in a specific country in which you have worked and back it up with real facts, well, i can't argue against it. but your "opinions" come off as slanderous comments based in nothing but heresy.

and it is not the "opinion" itself i am concerned with, it is the way it is worded, as if it is some universal truth. it's too simple a comment to even begin to discuss the complexity of the situation today. it's very easy to blow off meaningless comments about things one knows nothing about.

--some, of course, probably not all, but according to the stories told by folks on Orchestralist some of the most prestigious.

where are they teaching? do they go to concerts that fall outside their departmental obligations? and more worrisome... are they (still) teaching?

But if our small department is any measure

uh... should it be? for any reason? what about departments in other cities? counties? states? or outside the USA for that matter?


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