At 12:44 PM +0200 5/25/07, shirling & neueweise wrote:
(No attribution given):
I can certainly believe that of Cage, since his music never became popular and widely performed


in comparison to composers from the 19th c. whose name begins with schu- perhaps, but cage is featured very regularly on contemporary music programmes and in festivals and is even often used as buffer music where new music is included on more traditional programmes, because of its accessibility (it would seem). cage wrote in a variety of styles of course, which are appreciated varyingly by the different factions of new music and non- new music scene, so it is impossible to speak of "cage" as being "unpopular" in any general sense.

Then how about in a specific sense? The students in my Survey of Music class (non-majors, but a good many minors) must attend and review a minimum of one concert per semester. In the semester just ended, there were a Senior Percussion Recital and also a Percussion and Marimba Ensemble concerts, on both of which a student played a Cage piece for solo snare drum using a randomly generated group of sticks and beaters. One student found it "interesting." Most had very negative things to say, and these were their spontaneous reactions to what they had trouble perceiving as "music." This was, of course, general student population, and not an educated and prepared "in-group," but I do think the reaction can be generalized as "unpopular." (Not to suggest that Cage was especially concerned with being "popular," of course.)

his impact on the musical world, at least the one I travel in, has been more to get people to question their preconceptions about what is and what isn't music.

Oh certainly. No argument there. But when a huge percentage of the population enjoys music which is tonal, rhythmically coherent, and non-aeleatoric, the questions don't last very long.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
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