Finale 2001 certainly has staff styles! Used a lot too!


Keith Helgesen.
Ph: (02) 62910787. 
Mob 0417-042171

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 20 June 2007 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Finale] e mails

Mark D Lew wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2007, at 4:51 PM, keith helgesen wrote:
>> I am sure there are quite a few people like me out there in Finale-land
>> still happily using WinFin 2001 or earlier. I seem to recall someone 
>> asking
>> a question on Fin 97!
> Well, I'm not *that* far behind, but I'm in complete agreement with you 
> on the general point of being satisfied with older versions.
> I generally don't upgrade until I have some reason to.  I upgraded to 
> 2k2 when I client with a large contract required it.  I purchase 2k4 
> when I thought I would need that for the same client.  As it turned out, 
> the job didn't materialize, so I never bothered installing it.  It 
> wasn't till early this year that I finally did, because I had upgraded 
> my OS to Tiger and I couldn't get 2k2 to work in Classic anymore.  
> (Actually, I later discovered that I *could* still run 2k2 in Classic, 
> but I was going about it wrong, but by the time I had figured that out, 
> I already had 2k4 up and running.)
> I have no complaints with 2k4, but neither to I find it significantly 
> better than 2k2.

None of the versions since the introduction of staff styles has been 
significantly better.  They've all added new bells and whistles with 
only minor improvements in notation.

Yes, the engraver slurs are nice.  Sometimes.
Yes, it's nice that we can now have expressions entered at a uniform 
distance below or above the staff.  Except when the music forces us to 
move them, so that not all are aligned even when they could be.

But in general, the notation aspects of Finale are very mature and there 
isn't  all that much room for improvement.  Certain aspects of the 
program, such as midi file import and percussion map definitions and 
usage remain untouched black-holes into which we all work hard not to 
fall, but in general the notation has been very stable for a long time.

But that huge leap with staff styles was such a quantum leap that I 
can't believe anybody would still be using a version which didn't have 
staff styles.

Linked score/parts promises to be another such major improvement, but 
the reality is far short of the potential and we all have to do such 
major workarounds to get the score to look as we want and also get the 
parts to look like we want that for many of us, the older part 
extraction into separate documents is still the preferrred method.

I am hoping that Finale2008 brings "linked score/parts v2.0" with the 
major hassles fixed, making it what it should have been in version 1.0.

David H. Bailey
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