> Jim - Thanks for the perc. info.  I'm getting into the Staff
> Styles section
> as soon as I'm done here.  RE: the cadenza.  I'm sorry to say that as I
> looked it over, I decided it needed a revision. It now has 64mm.,
> too long
> for the one measure, giant meter signature solution, I'm afraid.  I'm
> thinking of putting the cadenza after the last movement, as a
> reference for
> the soloist, on the last page.  And a similar fix for the score.  My
> Beethoven piano concerto scores are laid out this way.  Any better ideas
> would be greatly appreciated.  I appreciate your help and advice.
> BC

I would strongly suggest that you not put the cadenza after the end of the
piece, which is much less convenient for both conductor and soloist.  That
is an archaic practice which stems from the days when cadenzas were supplied
by the soloist, not the composer, and were not published as part of the
piece proper.  That started to change with Beethoven (he did publish
separate cadenzas for his piano concerti, but by the Emperor the cadenzas
were integrated into the piece), and by the middle of the 19th century
composers usually wrote their own cadenzas as part of the concerto (with the
notable exception of the Brahms violin concerto, probably others that don't
occur to me at the moment).

As far as using Finale to create a cadenza that looks like one measure rest
in the parts, that is very doable, and someone else has given you guidance
on that.  Another possibility is what I have done with cadenzas: write them
out as real measures, which appear in the parts as a single multimeasure
rest with "Cadenza" written over it (and the last bit of the cadenza written
as a cue for those parts that enter right after it).

Lee Actor
Composer-in-Residence and Assistant Conductor, Palo Alto Philharmonic

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