On Jul 24, 2007, at 7:09 PM, Bruce E. Clausen wrote:

Jim - Thanks for the perc. info. I'm getting into the Staff Styles section as soon as I'm done here. RE: the cadenza. I'm sorry to say that as I looked it over, I decided it needed a revision. It now has 64mm., too long for the one measure, giant meter signature solution, I'm afraid. I'm thinking of putting the cadenza after the last movement, as a reference for the soloist, on the last page. And a similar fix for the score. My Beethoven piano concerto scores are laid out this way. Any better ideas would be greatly appreciated. I appreciate your help and advice.

I didn't say anything before because it seemed there was a newer solution, but I have done it in the past this way:

Use measures for the cadenza, if it needs them (some cadenzas have metres). Use big measures with the time sig hidden, if you need them.

Use two different measure number regions that exclude the cadenza measures, or they could have their own unique numbers followed by "a" or something.

On the parts OTHER than the piano part, edit the multimeasure rest where the cadenza happens so the number of measures rest is not shown, and add a fermata.



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