At 4:09 PM -0700 7/24/07, Bruce E. Clausen wrote:
I'm thinking of putting the cadenza after the last movement, as a reference for the soloist, on the last page. And a similar fix for the score.

DON'T!!!!! Some soloists like to play from memory, but others don't, and making them break for unnecessary page turns is a Bad Idea. If your intention is to force them to improvise, that's one thing, but if you want them to play what you've written put it where it comes in the music. Don't let the engraving get in the way of doing it right!

My Beethoven piano concerto scores are laid out this way.

I find that very surprising. But of course Beethoven didn't compose cadenzas for any but the 5th, which his student, Czerny, premiered. Still, there must be "standard" cadenzas by someone for those concerti.


John R. Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
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