Hi Hiro,

Sorry for the misunderstanding. About the communication with MM through the web system, make sure you go al the way through to the last page and click the final "submit question" button, (easy to miss) or it doesn't go through. That happened to me twice before I figured out that I wasn't getting responses because they were not getting the questions.


On Sep 10, 2007, at 6:16 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

Chuck Israels / 07.9.10 / 5:27 PM wrote:

Even in my less than technologically enlightened state, I have
managed to accomplish this in 2008.  Darcy posted a URL with
instructions some weeks ago.  You must download and install Kontakt
2, which will then recognize full GPO and JABB.  As usual, there are
new places to look for things, and it took me a while (and a phone
call to Tom Hopkins, one of the Garritan developers), but it is all
working quite well and smoothly now.  The loading of instruments is
easier and faster than in the old Kontact player.

Hi Chuck, thank you so much. Unfortunately we are talking two different things. I don't install Kontakt 2 Player since I have the full version
of Kontakt 2.  I have been using it with my EWI every gigs.  I needed
Kontakt 2 because I need to modify to make it playable with EWI, which
Kontakt 2 Player doesn't offer.

Anyway, The other reason I don't install Kontakt 2 Player is that I need
to save space on my MBP2.4 which I use for live gigs.  I am running
samples from internal disk.  I only install samples I need.

So, Finale can see Kontakt 2, but there is no Kontakt2instrument.txt
exist for me to download. I send the ticket to MM! support. As someone
said, I too didn't get confirmation of the ticket.  MM! uses RightNow
Web support system. I am somewhat familiar with this PHP based system,
and I must wonder why confirmation didn't sent to me.

Regarding Finale crash log, you can go to Utility Folder > Console.
Click on Log icon.  Expand ~/Library/Logs.  Expand CrashReporter.  You
will find Finale crash log. Scroll down to the bottom. Scroll up till
you see:
Host Name: <your computer>
Copy from there to the bottom and send it to me.  If you had so many
crashes, the entire log must be quite big so just copy the latest crash block.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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230 North Garden Terrace
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