Randolph Peters wrote:
To elaborate: In the articulation tool, hold down, say, number 1 (staccato for me), draw a box around some notes, including notes in other layers, and let go. All the notes in all the layers get staccatos.

Jari Williamsson replied:
...which is AFAIK how it has been since metatool-drag-enclosing of articulation was introduced: it reflected MassEdit's "Apply Articulation". I just tested your description in Finale 2003 and it works just the same way.

Thanks Jari and Thomas for setting me straight. This is why I check with the list before getting completely disgruntled. I was so sure that applying an articulation metatool should only change the current layer that I was about to report it to MakeMusic. I guess I never ran into that combination of circumstances before.

For those who are curious, I was writing a passage where long, legato notes were in the second layer and many short staccato notes in layer one. After applying a staccato metatool to an extended passage I had to go back and get rid of the staccatos over whole notes in layer 2. I should have switched to the "view this layer only" option.

Embarrassed, but "gruntled,"
Randolph Peters
Finale mailing list

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