Daniel Wolf wrote:
Trying to figure out the future of Finale -- and MakeMusic's plans for the product -- without any concrete internal information is more like reading tea leaves than serious analysis, but the tea leaves we've been left appear to me to be gathering in an inauspicious pattern.
Today (the first of December 2007), I received another tea leaf: for the first time, a bit of advertisement for Finale 2008 from the Finale dealer here in Germany.
Compared to my past experience with Finale, this is actually quite early for an advertisement of FIN 2008! My experience (as a U.S. domiciled user, who has dealt direct with Coda / Net4Music / MakeMusic! since 2k1, the first upgrade I purchased) is that the earliest advertisements for the product are generally released in May.

While not widely publicized, and not noted by many on this list (except perhaps me), MakeMusic! / Finale have scored won some significant points over Sibelius in the past fifteen months or so. It was about a year that it was announced that where Hal Leonard's popular music site, SheetMusic Direct used S~'s Scorch, that the new companion sites, Choir Music Direct, Band Music Direct, and Orchestra Music Direct, were being launched with a re-vitalized Finale Viewer, instead of Scorch. This is significant, as while it used to be possible to do work in Finale and import it to S~, it was never possible to do it the other way, as S~'s data file formats were proprietary. This means that Hal Leonard is switching (at least for products available through the web sites) to Finale from Sibelius. This did not happen overnight, and I suspect that we now know where the money needed to develop linked parts came from.

I haven't done exhaustive searches, and I don't know how many other sites out there are using FinaleViewer in preference to Sibelius. I would also note that current financial environment is giving some boost to Finale over Sibelius. Last time I checked on-line prices for Finale on European sites, it was selling for a lower price in Europe than Sibelius. Since then, the exchange rate has moved so that Finale has an even greater price advantage.

One thing is telling for me: S~ found it expedient to offer to give a very large discount recently to a significant subset of people as "competitive upgrades". It is interesting to me that I was not able (despite a casual search) to find any similar upgrade offer to Sibelius users from MakeMusic!. Might it be that S~ found the need, and MM did not?

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