First of all, we are talking about a workaround. No workaround is as convenient as not having to work around.

Second, we are talking about different time signatures where the barlines align, so effectively it is a shorthand for tuplets anyway, right?

Third, my contention is that for a host of reasons you are better off with an underlying meter that is the same in every staff. Finale has more defects than just editing smart shapes if you have different underlying meters. So the extra effort of a workaround is possibly worth the trouble.

If you grant those, I can show you a way to drastically reduce the pain of the workaround.

Suppose you have 4/4, 6/4, and 7/8 as your aligning meters. Since 6/4 is the longest meter, choose that as the underlying "true" meter. Then enter all your notes in that meter for all parts. They will not align properly, but it won't matter. After you have finished entering the notes (or the notes for the passage), you can use Mass Copy (in one pass per staff or independent meter) to copy an invisible tuplet to the beginning of every bar to make them align properly.

If you need to hear the proper playback before you finalize the notes/rhythms, etc., you can always create true ind. key sigs then change them to the other way when you are ready to create the final edits. Under no circumstances is it necessary to enter the tuplet on each bar in Speedy. Also, once it is done, you can edit at well, so long as you don't replace the first entry of the bar with an entry that lacks the tuplet.

One possible source of confusion may be that, unlike Finale's Mass Edit tool (last I checked), Mass Copy can copy tuplet assignments without copying the entries they are assigned to.

You may have a work process that is antithetical my appraoch. For me, I have found that using true independent key sigs is the road to perdition, so I have learned to avoid it by giving only the appearance of independent key sigs. But perhaps in later versions of Finale ind. key sigs is less problematic. YMMV.

Robert Patterson
Finale mailing list

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