As others have mentioned, I, also, found that the Finale viewer works
after a computer reboot. My question is why? I don't know of any other
browser plug-in that requires a reboot and it would have been nice to
not have to discover that the reboot was necessary by accident.

After seeing the viewer in action, I see very little difference with
Scorch. It seems to do pretty much the same thing. I wonder if this is a
purely monetary choice. Sibelius charges a monthly fee, based on sales,
for the commercial version of Scorch which is more secure than the free
version shipped with the program. I wonder if the MM is providing Hal
Leonard the Finale viewer for less/free in order to gain a PR advantage
and/or to sort of prime the pump for anticipated future sales to other

I find Scorch, the free version that comes with Sibelius, very useful
with students. It's a shame MM has decided not to include a similar
function with Finale. Maybe NotePad is supposed a good choice.
Interestingly Noteworthy Composer, a simple, inexpensive notation
product sometimes preferred by choral and keyboard people, provides a
pretty good internet viewer also.  

Richard Smith


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