Yes. They need to drop the price. It is like $119 or something. I threw away
the flyer. So, since I have two licenses to upgrade, it would be $250 or so
(with shipping and stuff).
Now, if it was say $100 to do both, I might consider it. Otherwise, I might
just wait until the next version in a couple of months.

On 1/13/08, dhbailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aaron Sherber wrote:
> > At 09:47 PM 1/12/2008, Eric Dannewitz wrote:
> >  >I still haven't upgraded to Finale 2008, but today in the mail I got a
> >  >little mailer from MakeMusic, and they are enticing the offer with the
> >  >inclusion of a FREE Finale T-Shirt.
> >
> > Not fair! We *early* adopters used to get the t-shirt! I don't think
> > I've gotten one in 3 or 4 years.
> >
> That's because they know they've got the early adopters hooked.  It's
> the later adopters who need the extra persuasion to upgrade that only a
> free t-shirt can give.  I'm sure there are thousands who had determined
> to skip the 2008 upgrade who are reading that t-shirt offer and saying,
> "Gee, I needed a new T-shirt and this is so much more convenient than
> driving all the way to WalMart and spending $7!  And I get this
> wonderful software so that I, too, can be confused by the menu changes!
>   What a bargain, and I'll look all the rage at the next 'Geeks
> Anonymous' meeting!"  :-)
> T-shirt offers are known to be balance-tippers when major upgrades to
> new versions which haven't been wholeheartedly accepted by the early
> adopters are at stake! (Not! -- probably some MakeMusic executive has a
> spouse who runs a t-shirt printing business where things are slow right
> now.)  Now a Finale coffee mug -- That would make more people sit up and
> take notice.
> Price drops might be better -- look at all of us who bought Sibelius
> when they lowered their cross-grade price!  If MakeMusic wants to get
> more people using Fin2008, all they have to do is drop the price to $50
> and it'll sell like hotcakes, especially since we can always keep our
> earlier versions of Finale on our computers so they don't have to bother
> with backwards-compatibility the way Sibelius does.  And if they offered
> a cross-grade price at bargain-basement prices for a month aimed at
> Sibelius users, they might get a lot of new business also.  After all,
> they've got the stock which they need to move out the door.  Lowering
> the price and actually moving the stock is better than keeping the price
> high and having to destroy the stock when Fin2009 comes out.
> --
> David H. Bailey
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