Does this drive anyone else nuts?

FinMac2008a, but it has worked this way for as long as I can remember:

I get a file from someone who doesn't have a clue and I have to clean it up. He has done some boneheaded thing with his articulation placements, or I don't like the font (or don't own it!) and I have to load a library of my own articulations and replace his.

Now, what I would LOVE to do is to select all of his articulations in the Articulation Selection Dialogue Box and hit Delete. But when the dialogue box comes up, saying "that articulation is in use in the score, do you want to replace it?" I have NO IDEA which one Finale is referring to! So I have to select and delete each one, one at a time, replacing it in turn with one of mine.

Would it be so hard to have a representation of the articulation slot that FInale is referring to? I waste SO much time with this, and it is the same thing with chord suffixes. In a jazz chart there can be thirty or forty different suffixes in use, and I have to comb through and replace EACH ONE, one at a time.

Maybe someone knows of something that can help me out, too.


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