On 22-Feb-08, at 12:46 PM, shirling & neueweise wrote:

i did the orchestral parts for a not unknown orchestra in germany, there was a repeated pattern played 10+ times (can't remember exactly), the whole orchestra played almost the same rhythm, and all voices had quite similar but not exact contours on different notes. low note on the violas was C#, the whole pattern played in first position. then, suddenly, the whole orchestra shifts down a semitone for the final repetition.

in this final repetition, the composer had written B#, which i felt made sense in this context, and we talked about it. you know, new music + orchestral score = sight reading in performance etc etc. we discussed both sides and eventually agreed we would leave it written as B# -- despite fingering considerations and other things -- because it was so absolutely clear on paper and to the ear.

so after the performance, some keener from the viola section sez to the composer: "yeh you know you wrote a low B# in the viola part." "yeh," sez composer with eyebrow raised in curiosity, "and?" to which the violist replies that it was obviously an error so they played C# instead.


[knocks head against brick wall repeatedly to deaden the pain from hearing that]


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