I like the 8vb for the octave lower rather than the 8va. I think it's reactively clearer. And I use it via Smart Shape since it breaks systems.

J D  Thomas
West Linn  OR

On Jun 20, 2008, at 11:23 AM, Paul Hayden wrote:

I quit using the ottava bassa sign (8vb) _under_ notes several years ago when I read (in Read's book and probably on this list) that the normal octave sign (8va) should be used. I noticed that FinMac08b uses 8vb by default when you use the Smart Shapes octave symbol (8va) below notes. (I reset the 8vb symbol so that 8va shows in the Smart Shape Options window.)

1. Do you think 8vb under notes looks amateurish?

2. Do you normally use 8va and its dashed bracket line in Smart Shapes, or do you do it all manually with an Expression "8va" and then the dashed bracket tool in Smart Shapes?

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