Darcy James Argue wrote:
On 20 Jun 2008, at 3:55 PM, dhbailey wrote:

So to put a 'b' in place of the 'a' simply produces a nonsense abbreviation of a non-existent word.

Wrong. "Ottava basso" is a perfectly legitimate word, and "8vb" is a perfectly sensible abbreviation ("8v" = "ottava," "b" = "basso").

But the original '8va' was an abbreviation of 'ottava' 8v isn't an abbreviation of anything. In the original Italian, the abbreviation was 8va and in English the abbreviation is 8ve.

Of course anybody can use anything they want anywhere they wish, and if it's understood in that musical circle it's fine. But to expect it to be understood by the larger musical world might be stretching things.

All the musical reference works I've ever looked in on this subject say the same thing -- none refer to 8vb as anything, and all explain that 8va means to play at the octave, with placement above the notes indicating an octave higher.

And wouldn't it be 'ottava bassa' since ottava is a feminine noun in Italian?

David H. Bailey
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