On 20 Jun 2008, at 5:07 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Wrong. "Ottava basso" is a perfectly legitimate word, and "8vb" is a perfectly sensible abbreviation ("8v" = "ottava," "b" = "basso").

But the original '8va' was an abbreviation of 'ottava' 8v isn't an abbreviation of anything.

Yes it is. It's an abbreviation of "ottava." Words can have multiple abbreviations, as you admit in your very next sentence.

In the original Italian, the abbreviation was 8va and in English the abbreviation is 8ve.

The original Italian is not relevant. If you don't object to "violins," "cellos," "concertos," and "tempos," and all the rest, then it's pretty silly to take issue with "8vb."

As others have pointed out, the "8vb" marking is also more functional, especially if the line stretches over multiple systems and the vertical spacing is tight.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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