From: John Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 22:14:24 -0400
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Finale] Score Binding Question

> It's entirely possible that the chains--especially Kinko's--would
> refuse to handle it because it is copyrighted music.  You did realize
> that it is copyrighted, right?  And that your copying it without
> permission is an infringement?

Yes, but neither I nor the LoC have a problem with it because both composers
specifically allowed for copying for research purposes when they donated
their work to the Libray. The only reason the LoC forbids photocopying is
because the scores themselves can't physically handle it without being
damaged or literally coming apart. Their concern isn't copyright but rather
preservation. Therefore they have no problem with me sitting there with my
laptop and creating a digital file of it. (In fact, the librarian I've dealt
with has asked if I might be willing to donate a copy of my work when I'm
done for inclusion in the collection since the handwritten scores are
actually quite difficult to read and I've gone to the trouble of matching
each cue number with its corresponding title on the soundtrack recordings.
In fact, now that I think about it, I might ask *them* if they have the
ability to bind it for me. An outfit like the LoC, which deals with all
sorts of historical and odd-size documents probably has the ability to bind
them. If so, maybe I can work out a trade.)

As for Kinkos not handling it, my experience is they won't touch something
if you're asking them to participate in the copying process it in any way
but merely asking them to bind a document isn't a problem because they're
not involved in any infringement at that point.

Thanks to all who have offered suggestions. This project is a long way from
the point where binding is going to be an issue (I predict that it's at
least six months of work since I only can work on it on the odd Saturday
here and there) but I appreciate the ideas for when I actually do make it to
that stage.

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