OK, not aiming to revisit old wounds - but I thought I would share one aspect of my recent experience of teaching a class of mainly-Finale-newbies to the application.

For the note-entry method, I showed them how to use Speedy, and what the keystrokes meant and did. In 5 minutes they were entering a Haydn string quartet movement, and at a surprisingly quick rate. This was without a MIDI keyboard.

I hope that MakeMusic still realises that Speedy is a really excellent tool for note entry that is (in my opinion) considerably more straightforward than using Simple without a MIDI keyboard. Speedy seems a better balance of simplicity and power. Because there are fewer options as compared to Simple, there are fewer keystrokes to come to grips with as a beginner - but the options that are there are easy to use and powerful enough to enter all pitches and rhythms you want.

Plus Speedy is great because it provides the user with the option to select pitch then enter rhythm for note entry.

Mind you, it would be good to able to change clef from within Speedy I suppose. Maybe press ? and a list of clefs pops up. This would be relevant to the tool because it relates to pitch.

Anyway, in the end I just hope that Finale doesn't consider removing or crippling Speedy. It really is an excellent and easy-to-use tool.

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