Somehow, reading hard copy conveys information to my brain in a way that reading a computer monitor does not. I don't know if this is generational or more or less universal, but the experiences are palpably different to me. I can't imagine absorbing complex and detailed information conveyed in screen pixels. I'd love a real manual, but I recognize the enormity of the problem of designing and printing one every time there's an upgrade. Conveniently printable pages - the section you might need at the moment, would certainly help me. ( One button per subject - "Print this section.")


On Aug 27, 2008, at 9:52 AM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

I don't consider a manual if I can't read it in my bedtime. I usually print PDF manual out but Finale manual is too big for home printing.

So, I paid for the printed manual from MM a few years ago, only to find they are printed sideway, 2 pages side by side. This won't let me read in my bed. And when I received it, the new version was already at the corner.

I really miss the glorious Finale 1.0 manual set, a set of 3 books.

I would like to ask for a better printed manual, and special manual for owner of the previous version which is only a new sections to the previous version.

P.S., Mark, are you related to another MM big guy, Michael Johnson?

- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Greater Boston

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