I use two. Finale is on #1, portrait @ 1050x1680. #2 is landscape @ 1680x1050.
Moving Finale from 1 to 2 causes no problems with the context menus. Sorry ;-(


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Craig Parmerlee
Sent: Wed 27-Aug-08 20:24
Subject: Re: [Finale] Context menus

Finally a breakthrough.  It turns out that my missing menus were related
to my monitor configuration.  I use a 2-monitor setup.  Whenever Finale
is running on the first monitor, the context menus work fine.  Whenever
I drag Finale to monitor #2, I can no longer use the right-click menus.

Is anybody else running a two-monitor system where the desktop spans the
two monitors?  I'd like to know how widespread the problem is.  It could
be something very specific to my monitor #2, which is very large
(1920x1200), or it might affect everybody using a dual-monitor system.

My system is Windows XP, Finale 2009

Craig Parmerlee wrote:
> Well, this problem is still not resolved.  I ended up reinstalling the
> operating system.  Everything is fine when I install Finale 2009.  But
> as soon as I install the Garritan JABB library (with Kontact et al),
> Finale 2009 breaks, and won't show me the context menus.
> Is there anybody out there who is running Windows XP, Garritan JABB
> library, and Finale 2009?  If so, does you right-click work?
> Craig Parmerlee wrote:
>> In case anybody has similar problems, here is the solution from
>> Finale.  Evidently I had an INI file get corrupted.  I haven't tested
>> this yet, but it makes sense.
>> 1. Close Finale.
>> 2. Open a My Computer window.
>> 3. Navigate into your Finale program's folder (usually in C:\Program
>> Files\Finale 2009)
>> 4. Find the Finale.ini file. This file will have the file type of
>> "configuration settings".
>> 5. Delete it.
>> 6. Find the finmidi.ini file. This file will also have the file type
>> of "Configuration Settings."
>> 7. Delete it.
>> 8. Now run Finale.
>> Craig Parmerlee wrote:
>>> Yes, I believe so.  It is working perfectly on all other applications.
>>> I went to apply patches to my operating system to see if any of that
>>> would make a difference.  For some reason, none of the patches would
>>> apply, and of course Microsoft doesn't explain why.  I was able to
>>> regress SP3 off my system, which cleared up the patching problem.  I
>>> then reapplied SP3 and all other pending patches.  That all seemed
>>> to go normally, so as far as I can tell, my OS is working properly,
>>> yet Finale still refuses to show those menus.  Evidently something
>>> has gotten hosed in my registry.  I have a ticket open with Finale. 
>>> I expect I'll have to uninstall Finale, then do some manual editing
>>> on the registry before reinstalling.
>>> Ray Horton wrote:
>>>> I have Finale 2009 on Windows 2009 with all appropriate menus. 
>>>> Right click context menus work fine.
>>>> I'm no expert at all on this sort of thing, but is your mouse
>>>> installed correctly?
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