mystrom1 wrote:
I have just loaded Finale 2008 on my new iMac and wanted to set up my
previous settings that I used in the past with 2003, including font sizes
for lyrics, expressions, text blocks, etc...
What is the best way to do this so that whenever I begin a new document, all
(or most) of my settings are already in place? Do I open up the Component
Files folder and use the Maestro Font Default? the Score Default?

You can name the file Default, and set it so that it opens as the default file; I figured out how to do this from the documentation, so I'm sure you can to. But your question is also informed by your work methods and flow. I changed mine long ago, because I found it useful to be able to choose from a number of different readily "defaults", so I just set each one up as a template file, and when I start a new document, I load the appropriate template. Besides the ability to choose from any number of templates, this has the advantage of reducing file size. Most files I've seen libraries in them that are never used, which simply take up excess bandwidth. I've found starting from a template which contains only the elements I need can result in a file only 1/3 the size of the default, and while this is not of great significance in most instances today, when computers are fast and memory is cheap, it can still be useful.

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