If he just wants to use his 2003 default file, then he should double click on it, just as he normally would. It will open by default in the newest version of Finale installed.

Finale 2008 opens with the Setup Wizard if you don't double click a file. If you close windows and just use the New Document command, you get the Setup Wizard. It will allow you to use the settings from ANY Finale file that resides in the Document Styles folder.


On 8-Sep-08, at 8-Sep-08  9:20 AM, Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:

Martin did not mentioned the wizard, or did he? I think he just didn't know how to have his previous default file from v2003 to work similarly in 2008.


At 7:30 -0500 08/09/08, Allen Fisher wrote:
That control does not allow your defaults to be used with the setup wizard.

On Sep 8, 2008, at 6:23 AM, Haroldo Mauro Jr. wrote:

Martin, assuming you still have you Finale 2003 default file, do the following:

1. Open your 2003 default file with Finale 2008 and save it as "my2008DefaultFile" inside the folder "Component Files", which is inside your Finale 2008 folder.

2. go to  menu Finale 2008>>Preferences>>Program Options...
3. Click "New" -- it's the first item in the list at the left
4. Type "my2008DefaultFile" inside field "Default Document"

From now on my2008DefaultFile will be your default file, and you can edit it as you like, just as you did before, in 2003.


At 7:05 -0400 08/09/08, mystrom1 wrote:
And exactly where in the manual do I find this information to read up on? I was hoping to get a simple, clear and specific response from listers as to which item in the component files folder (like I did in FinMac2003) to define some basic things like fonts and measurement unit for all of my future files in Finale 2008. Instead, I seem to be getting all sorts of
different suggestions on how to do this and how to do that.


On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 3:11 AM, Christopher Smith <

Read up on the new feature that allows you to use ANY Finale document as a template. It just has to reside in Document Styles folder inside the FInale folder to show up in the Setup Wizard. This replaces the old "save the libraries" method, which does not incorporate metatools, etc. It's WAY
better now!

However, I had files get corrupted when I used an old file for this purpose. It only seemed to affect me (nobody else confirmed having trouble with old files as templates) so you might be off scott-free. Try saving an old file in 2008 and using it. Maybe that will help avoid problems.


On Sep 6, 2008, at 6:46 PM, mystrom1 wrote:

I have just loaded Finale 2008 on my new iMac and wanted to set up my
previous settings that I used in the past with 2003, including font sizes
for lyrics, expressions, text blocks, etc...
What is the best way to do this so that whenever I begin a new document,
(or most) of my settings are already in place? Do I open up the Component
Files folder and use the Maestro Font Default? the Score Default?

Thanks for you help. I hope that those of you in the wake of Hurricane Gustav in or near Baton Rouge, as well as those on the East Coast dealing with the remnants of tropical storm Hanna are safe and out of harms way.

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