At 11:24 AM 9/7/2008, Chuck Israels wrote:
>Are you talking about the length of the coils?  I just found a local
>duplication place here in little Bellingham that has ordered some 15"
>coils for me from a supplier in Seattle.  I didn't think to ask the
>name of the Seattle supplier (I like to support the local businesses
>when I can), but longer lengths seem to be available.  Perhaps a
>similar duplication shop in Baltimore can help.  Greg Hamilton
>(copyist/engraver) in Vancouver BC has told me he buys them in 36"
>lengths so he can bind large scores.

Chuck, it sounds like you're talking about spiral binding (metal coils). I'm talking about plastic comb binding. Most of the combs you see in stores or online have 19 rings on them, used for binding an 11" edge. But I know they come in other sizes. That's what I'm looking for.


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