Aaron Sherber wrote:
At 07:48 PM 10/12/2008, Dana Friedman @ Dragonfly Technologies wrote:
 >trying to get particular phrases on particular drums. The new patch
 >I'm using requires placement a third below where it is now. I used
 >the selection tool, transposed down a third, and it didn't move. I
 >tried diatonic, I tried chromatic. I even tried changing clefs (which
 >shouldn't have to have been the answer anyway). Zip. Nada..Gournisht.
 >The noteheads stay where they were originally placed.

This can all get a little complicated because of percussion maps. For example, if you like the way the part looks but you just want to change the MIDI pitch each note emits, you can get this by editing the percussion map you're using. (Staff tool, double-click the staff handle, click the Select button next to Notation Style, and then Edit the percussion map. Change the playback note for each item you want to change.)

On the other hand, if you think your problems would be solved if you could actually just move all the notes down a third, then there's something else you can try. Select the Staff Tool, double-click the staff handle, and set Notation Style to Standard. Then transpose the section, and go back and set Notation Style to Percussion again. Hopefully, things will line up the way you want with your percussion map.

Actually they won't work properly, because percussion maps require that each line/space which is used be defined properly for playback AND they be selected to be included in that percussion map. simply putting the note on the new line or space will do nothing to get playback to work properly.

David H. Bailey
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