At 08:22 AM 10/13/2008, Dana Friedman wrote:
>it before, but had never used it. Thanks. However, this particular
>rendition of the score is ONLY for playback/recording to an MP3. I
>don't care if it's a little messy, as I'm not touching the original
>:). Once the MP3's made, this version of the score gets trashed.
>:)...Nonetheless, if editing the percussion map will allow for a
>single score for playback, conducting, and parts..well, that's what
>we call a "good thing". That's the technical term, anyway.

Yeah, you can do all you want by editing the percussion map. Maps are really ugly, and the interface isn't great to to work with, but it makes sense eventually.

Bascially, the percussion map lets you correlate three things: (1) the MIDI note you play or enter when you want a certain sound, (2) where on the staff you want that sound to appear, and (3) what MIDI note Finale needs to output in order to produce that sound.

So for example, take a look at the General MIDI entry and playback map, and look at where it says MIDI Pitch 38 D2. That line says that when you enter MIDI 38 (D2) into Finale, you want Finale to place the notes in the third space, and you want to use regular closed and open noteheads. And when Finale plays back, you want also it to emit MIDI 38. In most general MIDI setups, this will produce an acoustic snare sound.

Now, for example, for a piece I just finished, I wanted snare to show up on the fourth line, and I wanted to enter it that way too (like a treble clef D). So I went down to MIDI Pitch 74 (D5), and I changed that so that the notes displayed on the fourth line, and I changed the playback pitch to 38. (If I'd wanted to, I could have also changed the noteheads to be Xs or something.) So when I entered a treble D, Finale put the note on the fourth line, and when it played back it still emitted MIDI 38, which triggered the snare drum.

The final step, as David Bailey pointed out, is making sure that your entries are "active". Probably the easiest way to do this is to click the All Notes button in the lower right. You'll notice that asterisks appear next to each line in the map; this means that each translation entry is now active.

So in your case, if you've got the notes where you want them, all you have to do is select each entry you use on your percussion staff and change the playback note to be a third lower. If your snare plays back on MIDI pitch 35 instead of 38, then select the line for MIDI 38 and change Playback Note to 35, leaving everything else alone. You've just told Finale that where you have input MIDI 38, you want Finale to playback MIDI 35.

Above all, have a big cup of coffee before you start, and save a copy of your score so you can always go back if something gets screwed up.


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