On 9 Jan 2009, at 1:00 PM, Allen Fisher <al...@fisherartandtech.com> wrote:

Some windows TTF's (a type called "naked TrueType" don't ask me why)
don't play well with some apps in OSX.

I found this, don't have any idea if they work or not:


Please send requests for Unicode support in to support.


I've done some pretty thorough searching, and have found fonts in a variety of places, including that site you recommend (the acl is really ucl in that address). It seems all sites point to two different places for pre-unicode IPA fonts. I've tried them, and they just don't work for me -- in MS Word or in any other text application (including Finale). Seems that Mac OSX 10.5.6 and these old fonts just don't, as you say, play well together.

Back to importing graphics.

Thank you all for your help, though. Interesting topic, and, as always, I end learning more about the general subject (fonts, unicode) than I previously knew.

David Froom
Finale mailing list

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