Christopher Smith wrote:
Um, yeah, we all know THAT. But to get these great new features to work in OLD documents...?

That's one of the things I wish we could do. I often have to open files that came from other users or else my own old files to update them and change the look, etc. I can import libraries of expressions, settings, and all kinds of things, but I have to go through and assign all my darned metatools anyway!

I can copy the contents to a new document, but then I have ALL the formatting to do. Sometimes it's a huge chunk of one or a monster chunk of the other, with no way to decide which method is more time-consuming. It should be easier!

Yes, it should. There should be an option in the save library dialog called "Save Metatool Assignments Library" where all metatool assignments for all tools are saved in a library which can be opened into any document in one easy step.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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