On 13 Feb 2009 at 17:25, Darcy James Argue wrote:

> Here's what I understood you to be suggesting:
> 1) Open the MP3 in Audacity and up-sample it to WAV. Save the WAV  
> version.

If by "upsample to WAV" you mean the same process that happens when 
the MP3 is played, then, sure.

> 2) Make the edits in Audacity on the WAV version, then and re-encode  
> for MP3.
> Instead, my first suggestion would be to use an editing application  
> that operates on the original MP3 file and does not require you to re- 
> encode -- which, as far as I know, is what is happening with the app I  
> use (Fission). That would allow you to avoid having to re-encode the  
> MP3, which causes more degradation than editing the MP3 directly.

I think that others are right to say that you can't work on the 
original MP3, only on a copy of the waveform described by the MP3. 
This is actually what happens with JPGs, too -- when you load a JPG, 
it is uncompressed into memory as a bitmap, because that's what can 
be displayed onscreen. Any time you view a JPG, it is uncompressed 
into a bitmap. When you're editing the JPG, you're editing the 
expanded bitmap, and when you save it, it is compressed for writing 
to the JPG file.

I see this as pretty much analogous to how MP3s work, though I don't 
have any apps that will "edit" an MP3 directly (like all graphics 
programs edit JPGs "directly").

> Failing that: assuming David is correct that Audacity has its own  
> native format, then Step 1 above seems unnecessary. Just open the MP3  
> in Audacity, make the edit, then save back to MP3.

It's not a matter of opening it in Audacity -- the only files 
Audacity can *open* are its own. Any other format you import into 
Audacity, which means the waveform described by the file you're 
importing is saved in Audacity's format (that describes the 
uncompressed waveform).

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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