On 13 Feb 2009 at 23:27, Aaron Sherber wrote:

> Also -- and I admit this isn't particularly relevant here -- comparing 
> file sizes isn't really an adequate way of comparing the files. You're 
> saying that because one file is only a few bytes bigger or smaller, 
> there can't be much difference between the two. But of course, even if 
> the two JPGs were exactly the same size, the actual data could be wildly 
> different.

But I actually *looked* at the files. I maximized the window I was 
viewing them in, opened all 6, and flipped through them. This meant 
that they were appearing all in exactly the same location onscreen, 
pixel for pixel, so that any differences in even a few pixels would 
have jumped out. There was no visible difference between the files. 
None whatsoever.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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