On 17 Feb 2009 at 16:19, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> On 17.02.2009 David W. Fenton wrote:
> >> I think there might be a slight misunderstanding of what updating the 
> >> > layout actually does. It does not manipulate any data (unless such 
> >> > options are active) in the actual file. 
> > 
> > Page layout is not stored in the Finale file? You realize how 
> > ridiculous that is?
> The page layout as such is not stored in the file. All that is stored is 
> things like system size, locked systems, new page or system settings for 
> certain measures and the like. 

Um, aren't those the only thing that "page layout" could possible 
mean? And when you respace music so that measure widths change, when 
you do an update layout, the displayed (and printed) measure widths 
change (and are retained when you save and re-open the file).

If this information is not saved anywhere, but calculated on the fly, 
how in the world can Finale reconstruct the layout that was correct 
if the data that describes the difference between the pre-update page 
layout and the post-update page layout?

Something is being stored. 

I do now understand your point that not all details of page layout 
are stored (since anything that can be derived from the stored data 
can be calculated at page display time), but the parameters that 
describe the difference between displayed/printed measure widths and 
system breaks and page breaks before and after a page layout update 
have to be saved to the file, or otherwise, you'd have to do the 
layout update every time you opened the file.

> Finale does not save information like 
> "measure 36 is the top left measure of page 2". It just ends up there 
> through a lot of other parameters.

Of course. I never imagined that it did, nor intended to suggest 
that. But it certainly stores sufficient information to recreate the 
page layout onscreen when the file was last saved when the filed is 
next opened.

> Ridiculous it may be (I actually have no opinion on that), but that's 
> how Finale works. 

I don't believe there's anything ridiculous about it. I'm trying to 
figure out why my file needed a page layout update when there had 
been no alterations to the widths of any of the measures, nor to any 
the system or page breaks (the system layout was locked).

None of the systems were actually reflowed, in fact, but Finale 
somehow decided that I wanted two systems repeated on two phantom 
pages. Sure, it's a bug, but I can't see why the edits that I made 
should have caused that bug.

Nor do I believe I should have needed to do a layout update to retain 
the existing layout.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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