On 17 Feb 2009 at 16:34, Darcy James Argue wrote:

> On 17 Feb 2009, at 4:23 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > On 17 Feb 2009 at 13:26, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> >
> >> David's reasons, on the other hand, make no sense at all to me. He
> >> keeps mentioning issues related to Automatic Music Spacing, which of
> >> course has nothing to do with Automatic Update Layout
> >
> > I only brought up automatic music spacing because someone asserted
> > that *of course* I needed to update the layout after changing some of
> > the notes.
> Well, you do!

No, I really don't. The measure widths haven't changed, so even if 
I've replaced a whole note with sixteen 32nd notes, there is no 
reason I need to update the page layout. No, it won't look good, but 
it shouldn't require a page layout update.

> > And the only plausible reason I could come up with for
> > that assertion would be if automatic music spacing were turned on.
> No, the plausible reason is that if you don't update the layout, you  
> get problems like the one you just described.

A bug. A really stupid bug. One that does not occur because of any 
actual data in your file.

> The rest of us have been running into those problems all the time, for  
> years. Which is why we either turn Automatic Update Layout on, or  
> reflexively update the layout before printing. Every time. Even if we  
> made no changes at all.

I have never before encountered a situation in which the page layout 
needed updating when measure widths had not changed.

> You keep complaining that there is no reason why you SHOULD have had  
> to update the layout in your situation. Well, sure, we all agree with  
> that. But you go to war with the notation software you have, not the  
> notation software you wish you had.
> The way Finale actually works is that whenever you make ANY change to  
> the note or rest durations in ANY measure, if you don't update the  
> layout you are risking exactly the kind of problem you had yesterday.

I'll update the layout when the layout is wrong. In this case, my 
mistake was in not looking at the onscreen display of the page 

But I'm not going to update the page layout when I can see onscreen 
that it's correct, even though you claim I should have to do so if 
I've changed any notes.

This is bloody ridiculous. I've been using Finale for 18 years. I've 
*never* encountered this situation before (i.e., page layout goes 
haywire after edits that don't alter any of the measure widths or 
system/page breaks).

I now know not to print without previewing. This is not the same 
thing at all as saying that I need to turn on automatic layout 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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