On Feb 19, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Javier Ruiz wrote:

Javier wrote:

 [It makes blocks of 8 x 8 pixels values, performs a
Discrete Cosine Transform -passing to the frequency domain-, quantize the matrix of coefficients (this is were the quality percentage is applied), and compress the new values (most of them are zeroes now) forming a bit stream
that is sent to the file.]

I am in awe of such technical expertise and fluency of patois. I must admit, I understand absolutely nothing (except individual words, for the most part) of the above paragraph. It reminds me of one of my favorite Charlie Brown cartoons, in which Charlie, Lucy and the piano player (Can't remember his name at the moment) are lying on their backs staring at clouds passing overhead. Lucy says something like, "Ah yes, I see the Reformation struggle of Christianity," the next one observes, "For me, the shapes represent a typical Rorschach test," and Charlie thinks (in the bubble), "I was going to say I thought I saw a lamb and a doggie, but I'm going to keep it to myself."

Count me in on the Charlie side.



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