I just installed 2010 (Windows). Imported a 2009 file, imported a graphic (MUCH easier - jpg, gif or tif, no complaining about compression after editing a tif in MSPaint) and saved it, printed it, called it up again, no problems. I also have two actual printers and some virtual printers.

Raymond Horton

Rick Neal wrote:

I would be willing to try one of the offending files since I am unable to duplicate the problems you are having with any of my earlier files. Just send it on if you would like for me to try it.


Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

One thing that you might want to try, is to forward one of the offending files to someone else, and see if they have problems opening it in 2k10. I have a 2k9 test file that I created, that I'd be willing to send you, too, if you want to see if you have the problem with a file created by someone else.

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