Oooh ... that's a little scary. However, I would be editing from Mac07, if that makes any difference ... I wonder. Please inform if it continues. I've been putting off some projects, so that I could start them in 2010 ... looks as if I may be happy that I did. Expecting it any day ...


On Jun 11, 2009, at 8:38 AM, James Gilbert wrote:

I seem to be running into major problems editing FinWin 2009 files in 2010. The files open correctly in 2010 and everything is where it should be. When I then start to edit the file using speedy entry, things go a little haywire after exiting speedy entry. First I get an error saying the program cannot initialize the printer. Then, the display colors turn off putting everything
into black & white. If I use CTRL-4 (respacing) I get the same error
multiple times. Then I can no longer move the page around via dragging or the navigation bars. I haven't tried to figure out any work arounds. If I
find one, I'll post it. The bug has been reported to MakeMusic.

Good news is that a document started in 2010 seems to work just fine.

James Gilbert

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Canto ergo sum
I'd rather be composing than decomposing

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