On 10/2/2009 2:22 PM, dhbailey wrote:
Secondly, it's important that we all remember that MakeMusic
has never forced anybody to upgrade.  At least as far as I
know, they've never put a gun to anybody's head and said
"Buy this upgrade for $100 or I'll blow your head off."
They have forced people who deal with others (who have
bought the upgrade) to buy the upgrade in order to be
version compatible to share files, but that is a very small
percentage of the Finale-user-base.

We have also been forced to upgrade in order to continue to receive bug fixes, often important bug fixes. Most software companies bring out a major version every few years, with free bug fixes in between. Many software companies continue to provide free important bug fixes for the previous version (or two) even after the next one has come out. Makemusic has done neither of these things, essentially moving to a subscription model without saying so.

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