In case you missed it, here is my kludge (but it IS a kludge!)

The best kludge for linked, voiced parts with grace notes in them is to have a different copy of the file with the default grace note spacing changed just for those parts. All the other parts (non- voiced, or those without grace notes) still reside in the same file with the score.

People who make changes to the score can just copy the entire score over to the other "grace note" file, as the only thing different is the default grace note setting. Should be relatively painless (well, considering the gravity of the bug!). Easier than extracting the parts, especially if there are many of them and you make edits a lot.


On Thu Dec 17, at ThursdayDec 17 2:48 AM, Jonathan Smith wrote:

I agree!

It is high time that MAKE MUSIC sorted this bug. It is the only thing that really holds up the linked parts facility, which I think is a huge time saver. I just couldn't imagine going back to the old slog of extracting parts in every score! You've only got to get you head around the section in the manual and just learn how it all works, after that it's a breeze.

With small scores one can afford separate staves for each instrument, so the grace note bug is not so much of a problem (but still a bug all the same), but with orchestral, orch & choir, wind orchestras etc., having individual staves for each instrument means a reduction in the overall layout percentages making the score too small to read comfortably unless you blow it up onto A3 size. It is also much easier for conductors when similar instrument parts are grouped onto one stave (Horns, Clts, Tpts, etc.) - as was traditionally engraved.

If anyone knows of a work around for the grace note bug I'd be very grateful to know. I have tried all kinds of things - altering the grace note parameters under Doc. options, dragging notes, changing spacing defaults, even inserting hidden notes between the grace note and the main note, although this can work to a degree, but it plays havoc with spacing in other parts and the playback will never be the same.

I'm still on 2009 so I can't speak for any improvement they might have made in the upgrades, if any.


Yes, using voicing rules.

Unless you have any grace notes. (There is an annoying bug with voiced linked parts + grace notes.)



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