Instead of setting them up again, they are stored in
username/Library/Audo/MIDI Configurations. You could make a simple
Applescript to copy files to that destination. Though you'd have to
have someway to redo the permissions on the file first. Though if all
the computers are THE SAME in the lab, you should be able to do that
ONCE and use that as a template and copy it into the current/new user
(which in Applescript or in Unix is ~/Library with the ~ saying the
current user's home directory)/

The first part though, I dunno. I'm assuming that setting up the
computers in versions before 2009 and 2010 worked? If so,
then.......why does it not work now? Strange..

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 6:57 AM, Ken Parsons <> wrote:
> I've taught a Finale class (mostly glitch-free) for the past nine years, but 
> this year, there are two BIG glitches. I purchased and installed Fin2010 on 
> the 11 Mac G5 towers. Everything seemed fine, until the first class period 
> when students created standard user accounts for their use. When they tried 
> to open Finale, they found that it begins loading (the blue rectangular box 
> appears for several seconds), but then quits. This behavior is limited to 
> standard user accounts - Finale opens and functions fine in administrator 
> accounts.
> I contacted Finale tech. support, who said that "Read and Write" permissions 
> on Finale needed to be enabled for all users. While I've never had to do this 
> previously, I enabled it on all machines. However, it made no difference. 
> Tech support is now saying that this is a problem with the OS, not Finale.
> I thought that while this problem was being resolved, I'd have students get 
> started with Fin2009, which we used without problem last year. However, more 
> problems here. As with 2010, 2009 works fine in administrator accounts, but 
> not in standard user accounts. It does open, but MIDI keyboard note entry via 
> Simple and Speedy doesn't work. I can enter notes in Simple using the mouse. 
> (I do have "Use MIDI Device for Input" checked in both Simple and Speedy.)  
> Making matters worse, using playback causes Finale to freeze and quit. 
> Additionally, MIDI device settings in the MIDI Setup utility (and 
> consequently the settings in MIDI/Audio>Device Setup>MIDI/Internal Speaker 
> Setup) don't transfer from administrator to standard user accounts. I have to 
> set them up again.
> We've already lost three class periods to these problems, and can't afford 
> any more. I'm going to have to allow students to operate in administrator 
> accounts until I get this resolved. If anyone has any suggestions regarding 
> either Finale or Mac OS 105.8 (since the machines are G5s, I can't run 10.6), 
> I'd appreciate them very much!
> Ken Parsons
> Technology Coordinator
> School of Music
> Southern Adventist University
> Collegedale, TN 37315
> (4230 236-2886
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