Have you tried creating a staff style that breaks the barline between staves as well? That should override the grouping issue. You may need to apply a staff style to two staves. First create a staff style that unchecks barlines and break bars between staves. Apply that to the staff in question. Then to the staff below that, apply a style that just breaks the barline. I'm away from my finale computer so there might be a simpler way, but this is where I would start.

On Feb 13, 2010, at 6:46 AM, Rich Caldwell <caldw...@shypuppy.net> wrote:

I'd like to hide the bar line on one staff in a group in a large orchestral score. In other words, the instrument's staff will break the barline. I can't hide it using a staff style because I believe the group line overrides it.

A couple methods I can think of:
1) Use an expression to white out the bar line. This seems to work well enough, but hard to get perfect and I'm picky. 2) Overlay another staff and hide the measure in the old one. I've never done this sort of thing so I'm unsure of what pitfalls there might be. 3) Hide the barline in this measure for all instruments and put in lines manually. Pain to keep adjusting while working out the layout & parts.

Has anyone else had to do this? Is there an easier way I'm missing?

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