I run 2010 on an iBook G4 with 10.4, and it is a little logey. Okay, it's very logey. Turn off all those cute automatic update thingies (slows stuff down something terrible on this machine!) and sometimes when I am assigning articulations quickly I get ahead of what the machine can keep up with and the whole thing crashes. But it will work.

I don't know if you need the MacBook Pro. I just got a regular MacBook for my wife, and it is a marvel! The main thing she is missing is FireWire, but she doesn't have any Firewire devices (only me!)

Okay, I mean only _I_ have Firewire devices, not that I am a Firewire device. Sheesh!


On Sun Mar 28, at SundayMar 28 3:48 PM, Mark D Lew wrote:

After several years of doing very little engraving, I've said yes to a big job starting in a few weeks. This means I'll be upgrading ... all the way from v2004!

It's been so long, I don't remember what's involved. Is there anything I need to be on watch for as I upgrade? I gather from recent discussions on the list that I'll still be able to open old files in 2k4 using "save as". Although I expect that any ongoing project I would want to move to v2010 anyway, I'd still like access to the v2004 during the transition. Looking in my preferences folder I see the preferences file is named "Finale 2004 Preferences" so I assume that the two versions will keep separate preferences.

Anything else I'm not thinking of?

Question two: My current computer is nearing the end of its lifespan. It's a PowerBook G4 that I bought in 2003, running Mac OS X.4.11. Since I'd rather make a smooth transition while it's still functional, rather than impromptu when it conks out, it has been my plan to buy a new computer some time this summer. I'm wondering if it would make sense to accelerate that plan, get the new computer now, and load the new Finale directly onto it.

My tentative conclusion is that I'd rather not, since I've got plenty on my plate this month and I don't need the added headache of setting up a new computer with whatever unexpected glitches and required reinstallations come with it, at the same time I'm relearning Finale with a deadline coming up. Also, I'm not sure my budget is quite ready for it yet.

But if there's some good reason why it would be advantageous to skip ahead now, I'd like to hear it. The specs for Finale v2010 say that G4 and OS 10.4 are sufficient. Can anyone confirm that from experience? I don't intend to run any of the Garritan stuff. (Indeed, I expect I won't even load it until I move to the new computer.)

I haven't actually decided yet what new computer I'd get, but since I've been pretty satisfied with my old 15" PowerBook, my default assumption is that I'd get the closest equivalent, which I gather is the low-end 15" MacBook Pro.

I realize I haven't posed much in the way of specific questions here, but if anyone knowledgeable out there has thoughts on my general situation, I would welcome them.

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